Our School uniform consists of the following:
Winter (September – Easter)
Royal Blue School Sweatshirt or Royal blue cardigan with school logo, pale blue school polo shirt with school logo, black skirt or black trousers, black socks or black or royal blue tights and black school shoes.
Summer (Easter – July)
As above or with the option of:
Black school shorts or blue and white Gingham Dress, White socks.
PE Kit
Plimsolls or trainers, PE shorts (royal blue) and T-shirt (white) will be required for PE. This should be brought to school on a Monday morning and may be taken home on Friday aftenoon.
Please ensure that all items of clothing – including shoes and wellingtons – are clearly marked with your child’s name.
How To Order
Please complete the following form and return it to the School Office:
School Uniform order form 2023
Currently the school is able to provide 2 polo shirts, 2 jumpers, a school coat and PE Kit free of charge to each child.
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