At Our Lady Star of the Sea when teaching maths we follow the White Rose Maths approach which emphasises a comprehensive understanding of mathematics. It’s core feature is to enhance maths skills and problem-solving skills using a maths mastery approach, that focuses on depth rather than acceleration, ensuring that key concepts are fully grasped before moving on. This approach aligns with the Learning Objectives of a range of school years, providing a coherent and connected curriculum.
When teaching new concepts staff begin using visual representations and hands-on activities before progressing to more abstract concepts, ensuring pupils have a concrete understanding before moving on.
We believe in nurturing a love for mathematics and equipping pupils with the tools they need to succeed in a subject that is often seen as challenging.
Each lesson focuses on teaching skills through fluency activities then reinforces the skills with problem-solving activities that reinforce deep thinking and application.
Our Long Term Plan shows the coverage throughout the academic year in each year group.
Intent and Implementation Statement
We use Maths Shed a core resource to share the objectives with the children, which includes teaching slides, activities and practical tasks for the children.
As well as using Maths Shed as a core resource we also as a school use Times Table Rock stars which allows children to practise their times tables like a rock star!
It is used daily in the classrooms from Y2 onwards and can be accessed on school computers or at home with individual logins so children can practise their tables in a fun, competitive way.